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Does re-sending emails to non-openers make me a bad email marketer?

Author's avatar By Secret Email Marketer 11 Nov, 2016
Essential Essential topic

Confessions of an email marketer

Here an email marketer for a major retailer, who shall remain anonymous, confesses his or her biggest worry...

Anonymous: Working at an fast paced online/offline retailer for 3 years now, I’ve been through my fair share of email highs and lows. Preparing for an incredibly busy peak season in November and December I feel as though I’m as ready as I can be in my battle station and have the support of the rest of the business with the calendar.

The last two Christmas periods, I’ve been somewhat forced into committing what feels to me like a major email faux pas. Regardless of whether sales have been good or bad, on two or three occasions throughout the month our managing director (who has no background in email marketing) will ask me to re-send a successful campaign to an audience who did not open after just 24 hours.

I recognise the resourcefulness of this activity, but as somebody who empathises deeply with my subscriber list, it pains me that about 30% of my engaged base who don’t typically open in the first 24 hours will see the same email content with a different subject line in their inbox.

I’ve never managed to win over our MD on why we shouldn’t do this, but I’m hoping this Christmas I can present a great argument as to why this is a poor user experience. What are the key statistics I should present to somebody much more senior to me as to why this is damaging to our list?

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By Secret Email Marketer

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