What's Hot In Digital: January 2018

The Smart Insights View

Keep up with the latest changes in digital marketing by taking a look at some of the most important blogs, news, updates and resources from the last month.

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The Smart Insights View

Need to know about the latest changes that matter in digital marketing? Here, Dr. Dave Chaffey of Smart Insights gives his personal assessment of the most significant changes this month.

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10 reasons you need a digital marketing strategy in 2025

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Where do you start if you want to develop a digital marketing strategy? It's a common challenge since many businesses know how vital digital and mobile channels are today for acquiring and retaining customers. Yet they don't have an integrated plan to grow and engage their audiences effectively, so they are suffering from the 10 problems Dr Dave Chaffey highlights later in this article.

Define effective digital marketing KPIs to achieve your goals

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The aim of this post is to help you set digital marketing KPIs to measure what really matters in a way which all parties can agree on. It covers negotiating KPIs and how to tie your KPIs into the Smart Insights' RACE model.

Business model frameworks for your business canvas or marketing plan

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Summarising a business model for online startups using a single sheet of A4 with the lean Business Model Canvas Diagram.
Defining a clear online business model is essential for a new startup online business to help create a sustainable business and communicate the features of their new business to partners and within the company.

The BIG Platform Changes

To maintain visibility of your brand and grow engagement with your online audiences you need to keep on top of the latest features and algorithm updates big five technology platforms, that's Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. These platforms innovate relentlessly, with new changes daily. We monitor these and here alert you to the changes that really matter so you can assess the relevance of these to you.

Alert: Google’s mobile speed update

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Google have announced that starting in July 2018, page speed will be an official ranking factor for mobile searches. It has always been debated whether page speed has previously affected search rankings for mobile but now Google has made it official.

The “Speed Update” as Google is calling it, will only affect pages that deliver the slowest experience to users and will only affect a small percentage of queries.

The implications of Facebook’s most recent algorithm update

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For many brands the new algorithm change will not be a huge surprise and for the largest advertisers it’s unlikely to affect their current operating model (paid ads should see little or no impact as Facebook’s ads auction already optimises for user value). Nevertheless I see this change as another example of the continuation of ‘content shock’, a term coined by Mark Schaefer in 2014 to explain the consequences of ever increasing amounts of (poor) quality content on consumers’ attention and appetite for information.

Sharing your questions and comments

We're keen to help by answering your questions, so anything that's bugging you do ask via our Answers forum or your preferred social network. Here's the pick of the Q&A for this month - do get involved and share your expertise too!

Has anyone integrated Firebase to track an iOS app?

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Check out our member's Facebook group to connect with other Smart Insights members, join in on digital marketing conversation and ask questions to other members.

Hi, i'm looking for resources on Google Analytics Enhanced Ecomerce

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Check out our member's Facebook group to connect with other Smart Insights members, join in on digital marketing conversation and ask questions to other members.

Was thinking if you are just a startup how situation analysis is like in creating a Digital Strategy.

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Check out our member's Facebook group to connect with other Smart Insights members, join in on digital marketing conversation and ask questions to other members.

Our latest analysis and recommendations for Premium members

To keep Smart Insights members at the cutting-edge of digital we update our content each week as new resources or updates to existing guides, templates or training modules.

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