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Three simple screen capture tools

Author's avatar By Marie Page 03 Jun, 2013
Essential Essential topic

Sharing screengrab tools (including how to screen grab a really long post with a single click)

I mark a lot of student marketing assignments. It's good to see students using visuals, but I'm often surprised at how many are still using "Print Screen" to do a full screen grab when what they actually want is just a  section of a page. So here, I share three of the many screen grab tools that I use.

1. Windows Snipping Tool

This is an under utilised tool that comes free with Windows. The screen grabs below are  self explanatory as to the steps involved:

snip1 snip2 Snip3 Snip4

With this tool you can highlight text or underline/circle etc:

snip 4

2. Evernote

Evernote has masses of other uses but it's a neat and quick screen grab tool that is then searchable by any word that you have grabbed (so in the example above I could search for "Open rate" in my Evernote archive and easily find the grab.

Evernote's comprehensive YouTube Channel has lots of online tutorials. Here is a brief introduction to the tool:

ARVE Error: need id and provider

3. Awesome Screenshot

Awesome screenshot is a Chrome plugin which I've recently discovered as part of a quest to find a tool that would capture a long, deep web page.

It will allow you to capture the whole page or any portion, annotate it with rectangles, circles, arrows, lines and text, blur sensitive info etc etc. You can also upload to a shareable url. Here's the demo video:

ARVE Error: need id and provider

And below is a screen shot that I've taken from a recent Sunday Times. I think I may be adding this one to my CV....

Directors train to speak like the geeks   The Sunday Times 2-6-13

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By Marie Page

Marie Page @marie_page is one of the UK’s leading Facebook marketing experts. She is a founding partner of digital marketing consultancy The Digiterati and the Digiterati Academy, an e-learning portal for marketers and entrepreneurs. She recently published a book and online course “Winning at Facebook Marketing with Zero Budget”.

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