What are the six essential parts of a campaign planning template?

Today's marketing campaigns are complex since they need to reach and engage audiences across a range of digital and traditional channels as shown by our RACE customer customer lifecycle visual: In this article, we'll step you through an effective structure for briefing marketing campaigns to an agency or in-house team that has been used by tens of thousands of businesses in different sectors including financial services, retail, travel and consumer brands. I will also answer some of the key questions about marketing campaigns. I originally developed our template for structuring one-day training courses on Creating Effective Marketing Campaigns that I ran for the Chartered Institute of Marketing in the UK.  We emailed the Word template to course participants after the training so that they could adapt it to their planning process.…

Set your Key Performance Indicators, make them SMART KPIs, and align your objectives using our RACE Framework to achieve YOY growth in key metrics for your business

KPIs are a useful way for digital marketers to set expectations and prove that their work is having a positive impact. To outsiders, the success of digital marketing activity can be seen as difficult to measure but this really isn’t the case. In fact, it’s normally easier to measure progress metrics for a digital campaign than an offline one. The aim of this post is to help you set digital marketing KPIs to measure what really matters at the moment, in a way that all parties can agree on. Smart marketing planning is essential for measuring and tracking your progress, and demonstrating value. We’ll cover negotiating KPIs, budgeting, and how to tie your KPIs into the Smart Insights RACE Digital Marketing Framework.

What are digital…

If you want to achieve success with your marketing campaign, you’ll have to ensure that your every marketing effort is measurable.

Goals for your marketing campaign can be improving lead generation, increasing brand awareness, boosting your ROI, or anything in between. Whatever the case, measuring and analyzing your marketing campaign data will provide you with insights that will help you thrive. This is, naturally, easier said than done. The following measurement and analysis practices will allow you to learn exactly what went right and what wrong with your marketing campaign. The knowledge you gain this way will improve your future marketing strategies.

KPI Identification for your marketing campaign

If you want to track the performance of your marketing campaign, you’ll first need to identify your key performance indicators (KPIs). Which indicators you’ll track will depend entirely on your own marketing goals. Over 54% of marketers have the goal of increasing sales leads generated. …

Have you ever wondered what your SMS referrals are doing after they've clicked?

A whopping 98% of text messages sent are read, putting SMS in a completely different league to other forms or communication in terms of open-rate. But with its simple style and 160-character limit, it can be tricky to track how your campaigns are performing once you’ve pressed send. Including a link in your SMS means you can direct recipients through to richer online content by adding the ability to track who and how many people are clicking through to your website. Tracking how many clickthroughs you receive on a campaign is awesome if you’re looking for data and statistics on how well the campaigns are performing and who’s interacting – but what about what they do after they’ve clicked on your SMS link? This is where this handy tool from Google really comes into play; adding additional information into your SMS…