Examples of social media workflow to review and respond to online comments about a brand

A while ago, I received this question by email, it describes a common concern of managing brand reputation given the growth in consumer comments in social media: "I would be interested in any case studies or examples of controlling social media discussions, especially in a case of negative flow". The questioner went on to explain that in her case, in the health sector, and many health and looks treatments etc. create a lot of social media input. Experiences, questions, complaints etc. Also, in some cases, competitors are creating negative posts. She explains that example is where companies have faced non-satisfied customers that are creating a lot of noise in social media. [si_guide_block id="13290" title="Download Premium Member resource – Social media marketing playbook" description="A checklist defining 20 key governance activities for strategic management of social media marketing communications."/]

Example flowcharts for managing…

How to manage a PR crisis using social media intelligence

Sometimes, however much you prepare, a crisis is unavoidable. It can at happen at any time and for any number of reasons but whatever happens companies and organisations need to try to manage the crisis when it happens. Of course this has become quite tricky with the incredible volume of posts on social networks making it hard to track every facet of a problem. But with the right social media intelligence software, PR and Communications teams can better manage a potential crisis situation. Social data is of particular use in two stages of a crisis: detecting the beginnings of a crisis and managing the crisis. This post will explain how social intelligence (monitoring and analysing online data) can help you manage these two stages quickly and effectively.

Detecting a crisis
