All successful content strategies result from the right content assets that drive engagement, enhance reputation, and increase the visibility of a business

The purpose of content marketing is to use content as leverage to attract visitors to your site or digital assets, engage them, turn them into paying customers and retain them. Seems like a tall ask, doesn’t it? And it is. Even the best laid out content marketing strategy fails to find traction. So the question is – as businesses increasingly offer omnichannel experiences to their target audience, how do you ensure your content marketing strategy can be woven seamlessly into this business model and remain effective? [si_guide_block id="5651" title="Download our Premium Resource – Content marketing strategy guide" description="This guide shows you both how to develop a strategy to deploy content across all your online marketing and gives practical tips to make it happen."/] The answer – don't forget content assets that are central…

Content marketing that converts was created to help differentiate your brand from the others and help you achieve your business objectives

Have you ever found yourself trapped in a conversation where you’re talking to a self-absorbed person, almost doing a monologue about themselves, not caring what you think and feel? Your readers could be feeling the same thing when they read your content. There’s a misconception among marketers that content marketing should make them stand out. While there is a truth to this - after all, content marketing that converts was created to help differentiate your brand from the others and help you achieve your business objectives - it’s not meant to position you as the hero of your own story. Why? Because your customers are the heroes of the story. Not you. [si_guide_block id="34016" title="Download our Premium Resource – Evaluating content marketing ROI guide" description="This guide is aimed at helping you improve…

How to get better results from your online content marketing strategy

Building a profitable and successful company is no easy task. Even with a great idea/product, incredible staff to bring it to fruition, and all the drive in the world, if you are unable to connect with consumers then the fact is that it just won’t get off the ground. This is exactly why it’s so important that you also consider your content marketing strategy. Your strategy needs to address one very important question, which is "what is the purpose of your content". Why are you creating the content in the first place? In order to have a clear answer for this question, you need to fully understand the wants and needs of your consumers, which means there needs to be a research and discovery process in place. So how exactly do you…

Anything that affects the performance of content should be a content creator’s business (even if not directly)

Content makes the digital world go around. It helps drive greater traffic to businesses, generate lead growth, and improve conversion rates. But content that can achieve all that requires great planning and strategizing. En route content creators run into several roadblocks. By content creator, I mean anyone who creates content. That could be a dedicated team, a freelancer, or a new business owner who does all the digital marketing themselves, of which content creation is a part. [si_guide_block id="5651" title="Download our Premium Resource – Content marketing strategy guide" description="Less than half of businesses have a content marketing strategy, meaning they're missing out on the opportunity to plan, manage, and optimize their content marketing."/] With that in mind, I’m presenting a wide variety of challenges that content creators face. Some are specific to content creation, while others may…

Content marketing is a complex, highly competitive marketing practice, so it’s important to be strategic if you want to succeed

Over years of blogging and working with content marketing, I’ve learned a lot of lessons. Important lessons that I definitely wished I knew about when I started. In this blog post, I’m going to share top essential content marketing practices that you might not be leveraging: Strategize and plan your content marketing Research your content and perform keyword research Focus more on evergreen content The future is in personalization: create audience personas Use your analytics to optimise your content

Strategize and plan your content marketing

How much thought do you really put into your strategy? Are you: Setting objectives for your content? Creating content with your objectives in mind? Creating content based on market research? Using an editorial calendar to plan and strategize your content? Creating a content marketing strategy helps in several ways:…

Quora can be an incredibly valuable content marketing tool

In fact, Quora can help with multiple common content marketing goals, such as getting more traffic or boosting your industry authority – plus, it’s an extremely tool for research. But, more on that in a bit. In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to use Quora as part of your content marketing strategy.

What is Quora and why should you be bothered?

Quora is, as they put it, “a place to share knowledge and better understand the world”. In other words, it’s a place where anyone can ask and answer questions about pretty much any topic you can think of. People use Quora to ask for advice for their personal and professional lives, to get recommendations for products and services, to ask for strangers’ opinions on different subjects (both personal and professional), and much more. And, of course, people also use Quora…

Chart of the day: Research with almost 1,000 content marketers reveals how important content marketing is to marketing teams.

Most people say content marketing is at the core of the marketing team. Please note that the research is split into visionaries and leaders, those who are experts in content marketing or leaders. Most marketers also use an editorial calendar. If you're looking for an editorial calendar, Smart Insights have one right here. Content marketing is a huge part of marketing, it works with SEO, email marketing, and social media. Quality content drives traffic and conversions. The research also found that most content is produced by the marketing team or freelancers, marketing have control of the content that goes out and agencies are used by just 10% of respondents. This suggests that marketing as a whole are…