Layout update offers new header image
Importance: [rating=3]
Recommended link: Twitter blog announcement
Marketing implications of Twitter change
From September 18th Twitter updated their profile page layout. The most significant change relevant to marketers is that a profile image can be uploaded. Recent images uploaded have also been given more prominence.
It’s a move which mirrors a similar feature on company pages for Facebook and in Google+.
The layout change also appears to give more scope for updating the background image to give more information about a company. Increased horizontal space now seems to be available for this than has been possible in the last couple of years.
The examples that Twitter gives of using the new header option aren’t too inspiring. Twitter’s own new profile page is limited.
You can see from this example that the layout change does give more emphasis to your URL and the value proposition, you offer followers through Twitter, now placing it front and centre, so it could be worth taking a look at this Bio wording also.
How do you make the change to the header image?
This is straightforward, you can upload a new header in Twitter’s Design settings.
Has anyone see any good examples of updated profiles?