Twitter has started testing a feature that simplifies your tweetstorms
Have you ever been in the middle of a long winded Twitter rant but you can't fit everything you have to say into the 140 character limit? Twitter understand your pain and have started testing how to make a tweetstorm easier for its users. The feature will allow you to chain tweets together into a cohesive tweetstorm. So instead of posting tweets into separate tweets, you can tweet them all at once.

By introducing this feature Twitter is making sharing expanded thoughts more accessible to everyone. For those of us who have a lot to say or a business sharing breaking news, this will allow you to tweet quicker and share content cohesively.
TechCrunch believes:
By launching a tweetstorm button this could remove one more confusing block from the wall dividing Twitter from the mainstream. But the Twitter sorting algorithm deemphasizes content with weak feedback, so if tweetstormers are boring their audience, they’ll pay the price in visibility.
This feature has not been launched yet and is currently only being tested on Android. It is also not open to public testing. Hopefully, it won't be long until they fully launch the feature. Until then we will have to make do with ending each tweet with "thread"for those mammoth 30-tweet stories.
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