A reference for designers and social media managers to check their social presence
Prohibition HQ's cheat sheet can save you valuable time if you are looking to optimise your videos and pictures/headers across your social media platforms and not sure on the format and the dimensions for each one. With so many different social streams it can be hard to keep them all optimised to look as good as possible. However it is important to make sure all your accounts do have images with the correct images. If you don't they can look blurred and unprofessional. So this infographic can really help you keep track of what sized images you need for each site.
Have the specifications handy
Like content, it should never stay static on social media, so it's a great infographic to pin on your wall to remind you of the specifications. It covers all formats across 12 social media channels including your Facebook header, Twitter profile image, Instagram, Pinterest and video time for Snapchat. The team at Prohibition are keen to extend their list. So please let them know if they have missed anything.

Social Media cheat sheet
Get visual
The infographic gives all the dimensions you need to know for adding images to all the social media channels you will be using to market your business. For more information on the importance of images for your marketing campaigns read our article on the subject.
Our resources for Social Media optimisation
If you’re serious about growing your business with social media marketing, use these resources trusted by our Expert members to create social media strategies and improve ‘hands-on’ use of social media. Our social media strategy guides on each of the key social networks will show you the best techniques to use and have lots of examples to inspire you.