5 Ideas to reinvigorate your social media interactions

Every social media marketer reaches a plateau in terms of the way they interact with their audience. It’s a state where you’ve been active for quite a while and have garnered a respectable number of fans and followers who you're interacting with in a set way. Being on a plateau isn’t bad - it’s comfortable, steady, and it’s a good state to be at if you’re planning your next move.
However, there are also some dangers of spending too much time on a plateau. Being too comfortable is a one way street to complacency, so while you’re free to bask in your respectable accomplishments, don’t stay on it for too long. Always be on the lookout for new social media heights that you can reach.
Not sure where to start? Below are some practical ideas you can use to elevate your social media interactions to the next level.
- Idea 1. Start promoting others and tag them while you’re at it- A good way to get an instant boost in engagement is by mentioning others. Find other companies in your industry (preferably those that complement your products or services) and give them a shout-out. Consider even mentioning them on your blog and sending a link their way, and then tag them on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ so that they’ll see the mention.Companies that get unexpected mentions often respond with a quick thank you, and some even reciprocate the promotion. When this happens, that company’s fans see YOUR brand, getting you additional exposure in the process.
- Idea 2. Think outside the box when it comes to content – Content is a huge part of social media. If you’re putting out blog posts and articles that are only “so-so”, it’s time to reevaluate. Determine the reasons why your content isn’t being shared as much.Are you discussing the same things over and over again? Perhaps you’re talking about cliché topics or writing articles that simply rehash what other websites have put out.The best way to address these issues is to produce unique content that educates or entertains people. Strive to come up with posts that are original and can’t be found anywhere else.Why not conduct your own studies and publish your findings? Or if you’re looking for a fresh perspective, find guest bloggers (or even fans) that can produce content for you.
- Idea 3. Look for new people or companies to connect with– If you aren’t getting any new fans, then it’s time you seek them out yourself. Find related Facebook pages and connect with them. Start conversations, comment on their posts and see if there are any engagement opportunities.On Twitter, search for relevant people that you can follow and talk to. A great way to do this is through the use of Follower Wonk to find people with relevant keywords in their bio.
- Idea 4. Spice things up with contests or promotions– One of the quickest ways to get a spike in engagement is to conduct promotions. Give incentives and prizes to people that share and engage with your content. Just make sure that the things you give away are related to your industry, (Free e-books or courses, perhaps?), avoid giving out flashy stuff (such as iPads or cars) because these types of items only attract users that are simply in it for the prizes.
- Idea 5. Use the power of video– When your engagement levels are flat, it could be because people aren’t well engaged. Bust the monotony of your social media campaigns by including videos in the mix.Instead of regular text blog posts, do video blog or a “how to” presentation instead. Want to interact with your fans? Conduct an informative webinar or if you’re using Google+, do a hangout with them.
I hope you found these ideas useful, how do you try to keep your approaches to social interactions fresh?
Image credit: Wolfgang Staudt on Flickr

Thanks to Francesca StaAna for sharing her advice and opinions in this post. Francesca is Social Media Coordinator at AdMedia, an ad network that connects advertisers to consumers through ad retargeting, affiliate programs, pay per click advertising, and more. You can follow Admedia on
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