with new users being added at an average rate of two per second (or 172,800 per day)
Importance: [rating=2]
Recommended source: LinkedIn Blog
That's an impressive growth rate reminding us of the importance of LinkedIn professionally, or if we work in business-to-business marketing. It would be useful to know the number of active members and fake accounts to get a truer picture though. We find LinkedIn Group Spam needs daily moderation.
As is customary with user milestones, the company has produced an infographic celebrating the milestone. It shows the member numbers in different industries and shows that if LinkedIn were a country it would be the 5th largest in the world.
I recommend using the LinkedIn Skills feature to see the growth and key influencers in your sector.
Check out our B2B Digital Marketing Guide for guidance and examples from René Power on how to best use LinkedIn for Marketing. We will be publishing a new LinkedIn Guide too soon to help give ideas on personal and business use of LinkedIn.