Currently for big brands only
Importance: [rating=3]
Recommended link: Google employee announcement
Google Plus has announced via the G+ page of employee Saurabh Sharma that brands can now use specific URLs to promote their Google+ brand or company page via offline media. About time too! Although to be fair, it took Facebook and LinkedIn a while after launch to offer this for company or brand pages. It was certainly clunky before.
The vanity URL uses a "+" (what else?). For example, Toyota can now use this URL…
(which redirects to
rather than…

You can find out more details about this update via the post on Saurabh Sharma’s profile:

Marketing implications of this change for company Google+ pages?
Most companies will have to wait until Google announces further details to make this an option for everyone - we’ll alert you. Looking at the http headers for the above with an HTTP header viewer, Google is naturally using a 301 redirect which is likely to have to be manually setup for their large clients.
However, if you’re a large brand with a large investment in Adwords it’s worth contacting your Google Account manager to set this up.
If you don’t want to wait you can make use of a service like Gplus ( to setup vanity URLs.