Facebook Embedded Posts follow the Embedded Tweets model
Value: [rating=3]
Original 31st July announcement: Facebook developer blog
Facebook has now announced that this feature was now available to all on 20th August 2013 and has given more examples. We couldn't demonstrate it when we first alerted readers to it, but can now show how easy it is to add to blogs.
This example for "everyone's favourite band" shows how images and video are supported, just click on the down arrow on the "Like Page" button to image.
This is a neat feature since the Twitter Embed Tweets feature has proved popular for adding tweets or pictures to blogs or campaign sites - they’re a great way of livening up posts and encouraging sharing of content inline within the body of a post. As the example above shows, they also help integrate blogs with Facebook and encouraging liking of the Page/visits to Facebook.
So just a short alert to let you know it’s possible and how to do it - this example from shows where to get the code:

Just trying this from our page shows you can't share more visual albums and it works best on updates with original photos. For example, this recent update which has a thumbnail image on the Facebook page doesn't show in the embed: