Home Depot and Jet Blue reveal the Good, Bad and the Ugly
Value: [rating=4]
Our commentary: In this post from iMedia Connection they highlight the threads of two brands' consumer interactions on Facebook: one that got it right (Home Depot) and one that got it wrong (JetBlue).
These conversations demonstrate what works and what doesn't, and serve as strong examples for how you can fashion your Facebook interactions based on online behavior.
Marketing implications: It's not that you need huge experience in managing customer interactions online - I think these two threads provide great insight and prove just how much common sense is needed in the approach, and more than anything else, that being awake, listening and taking time to respond is what's important.
It also highlights how we have to listen and interact when social networks like Facebook create a powerful (and increasingly used!) feedback loop, whether we like it or not.
Recommended link: A lesson in engaging customers via Facebook