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Value: [rating=3]
Our commentary: What SearchEngineLand has described as a "new search engine" was launched this week. Pronounced "Visually", the service offers to "Explore the Best Data Visualizations on the Web". That's what we know as infographics. These are a great way to engage business audiences and they have become popular since they are very shareable.
For example our post on Mobile Marketing Statistics has proved popular.

With you can:
- Review infographics in a category
- Search by keyword
- Upload your own infographics
Marketing implications:
Although touted as a search engine, it's only a niche, vertical search engine. I've also found that it's limited in more specialist areas like mobile or email marketing although there is no shortage of social media examples.
Still we're alerting you to it since:
- It's an additional way to search for infographics
- You can distribute your own infographics
Overall though, it only supplements what's already available though a google image search and that is more effective in showing the best due to the way Google evaluates backlinks and social sharing.