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How important is YouTube as a Search Engine?

Author's avatar By Chris Soames 03 Nov, 2010
Essential Essential topic

Did you know that YouTube is now the second largest search engine? Here's some proof of its importance and techniques to engage your audience

Value: [rating=5]

Our commentary: For the last 2 years You Tube has been widely recognised by most as the second largest search engine in the US, if not worldwide. First reported in October 2008 (view article) YouTube has continued to dominate as a video orientated social network.

You Tube Infographic

The stats in the image speak volumes to me in terms of opportunity for business to get in front of customers / potential customers and attract them to their brand. If a blender can become a YouTube hit (and business success as a result) anyone can do it - see more at the Blendtec YouTube channel - Over 141million video views in 4 years & 330,000+ members they can engage with.

Opportunities YouTube brings to engage your audience

  1. Grow your reach beyond impressions available in Google itself, which leads to traffic through direct & brand searches as audience becomes aware of your brand
  2. Engage your audience with offers delivered through YouTube Promoted Videos or the Adwords Video Targeting Tool when they go to seek entertainment or advice
  3. Participate, listen & learn from your audience through the comments

YouTube has perhaps been something a lot of business avoid due to the inability to track ROI as accurately as PPC for example, perception of high costs to create & manage and a lack of creativity. But the stats and user behaviour would dictate that this type of thinking is holding your business back. Take the time to understand YouTube and its benefits to your business then think creatively about how your business could use it at an acceptable cost. Don't let perceptions & old business thinking hold you back, make the change do something different.

Recommended links:

  • For some tips on how best to make use of your videos once created checkout this post from the blog - View here
  • Great video which opens your eyes to the connected web and the opportunties that creates for you business - Socialnomics
  • Sponsored videos within YouTube serves its 500,000,000th video view - Sponsored videos

Image courtesy of See full image here

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By Chris Soames

Chris Soames is a Smart Insights blogger and consultant, he has worked in digital marketing for over 6 years with the last few years managing international web strategies for a leading travel brand. Now the Commercial Director at First 10, an Integrated marketing agency, he helps clients get clarity on their marketing strategy and create campaigns engineered to engage with their consumers to help drive sell-through. Most of all, Chris enjoys working with talented people who want to create great (& commercial) things not just tick boxes.

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