5 questions you should be asking about your SEO agency
At some-point most business have explored outsourcing "SEO", although recently more businesses I speak to are bringing it back in house. A recent guide from Hub Spot sparked this blog post as they have created a short guide to identifying a "Bad SEO Service" you may be interested in. You can check it out here.
their guide is good, I think it can be distilled down even further & I would even say you should even question whether you need an SEO agency at all!
Identifying a poor SEO Agency:
Here are the questions prompted by the guide:
- Q1. Do you they make unrealistic promises - "Guaranteed number one spots". Against which phrases?
- Q2. Are they delivering HUGE keyword lists rather than telling you the ones to focus on. The 80-20 rule holds sway in paid search - the agency needs to help you compete on the keywords that drive 80% of the traffic. The long-tail can be a distraction.
- Q3. Have they ever mention the word "automate"? This should set alarm bells ringing, but automating some tasks make sense?
- Q4. Have they experience in your industry? If they don't you may pay them a lot to learn through making mistakes...
- Q5. Have they asked about your customer demographics? Search today isn't foremost a technical discipline it should be based on understanding of customer types and needs. Ask them about how they apply personas.
The big question - how do we create content to cut-through?
While some of what SEO used to be is quite technical & requires particular skills it is very process driven & easy to read about online and therefore should be relatively cheap, this work should be restricted to the build of websites or half yearly checkups.
If your question & indeed opportunity is in improving your presence in Search Engines you should instead be asking yourself : How do I create something worth finding?
This is a question I pose often when working with clients at Smart Insights & First 10. When you consider it from this angle you start to realise that to do this you need:
- A deep understanding of customers & potential visitors
- An ability to create & market content
- Experts in your industry to bring credibility & reach to your content
- A process to run & manage this
The skills required to get this right are therefore very different to that of an SEO agency.
You are looking at sourcing:
- Industry experts
- Copywriters
- Designers (illustration & web)
- Video / Podcast creators
By creating amazing items of content & sharing / marketing these well you will have created strong content rich pages on your website that creates links because people want to share it, write about it etc. As a result of this work you will improve your search presence as well as grow your reach through 3rd party websites.
Unless your Search Agency are experts in your products / industry, have a deep understanding of your customers & have the ability to create amazing content you should be wondering what they are doing to add value each month!