Search Queries & Links to your website get updated!
Value: [rating=4]
Our commentary: With Christmas fast approaching and rumours of Google updates during Christmas, a distant memory its nice to receive some news that the free webmaster tool kit from Google is still receiving updates & new features. Last Friday (10th December 2010) Google announced two upgrades to its webmaster toolkit.

The post we link to below on Google Webmaster Tools alerts you to an update to the Search Queries report which now has the ability to show which pages are displayed for certain search queries.
The second update relates to the links to your site area of Google Webmaster Tools. This new facility displays the appropriate information when an inbound link is redirected to another page.
Find out more about the updates here >
Marketing implications: The two updates gift marketers with some great new insights. Take the first update for example, using the search queries report by page will allow questions like :
- Why does this page do so well compared to others?
- What can I learn about how this page has become so successful to apply the same tactics to other pages
- Can I use indented listings to better effect?
- Why does this page receive so many impressions yet very little click through?
- Do you you appear for irrelevant search terms?
- Could your page title & search description encourage more clicks?
The second update raises the question that has long been debated which is does Google carry across the full PageRank for redirected pages. With Google Webmaster Tools now alerting you to the fact that some inbound links are redirected to a different page would tell me that they are or soon will be valuing redirects in a slightly different way. However this tools will be of great help when updating / moving webpages & websites and allow you to manage this area much tighter.
Do you have any thoughts on the new Google Webmaster Tools or indeed experience in how Google now treats 301 redirects? Please share your comments / insights below!
Recommended link: Webmaster tools Updates