Google Issue New SEO Starter Guide
Value: [rating=5]
Our commentary: In the past some people would have likely killed to get some insights about Google, from Google. Over the years and especially in 2010 Google has started to engage with its market / audience making it easier for webmasters, online marketers and the likes to be kept up-to-date (blogs) find information easily and ask questions to "experts". Google have recently launched their updated starter guide to SEO covering everything from structuring your website through to promoting & analysing.
Marketing implications: As with all starter guides there is a tendency if you already work in the industry to gloss over it or assume you already know it. Personally, I think this is always the wrong move but especially so when Google of all people issue such a guide. Whatever stage you are at with your SEO skills, whether its launching your very first website or if you are managing international & multi lingual campaigns you should read this guide.
If you are just starting out in SEO:
- Read the guide and make notes
- Relate the guide to your business plan & current website (if applicable)
- Create your task list and crack on, remember to refer back throughout the process
If you are an "expert" or agency:
- Read the article and takes notes / question your beliefs
- Share this guide with your clients as part of an update - If you have done your job they should be able to relate conversations you had back to the guide!
- Consider how using this guide as part of your pitching / setup process with clients will help boost their confidence... the power is that Google wrote it!
Recommended link: Google SEO Starter Guide