How we created a top 10 iTunes podcast
Podcasts aren't maybe the hottest digital marketing technique, but I've personally found them to really effective in building an audience, awareness, driving website traffic and lead generation. In this post I'll show you how I've built my podcasts and go them into the top positions in the iTunes chart, the key place to build a podcast audience.
I started recording a podcast a number of years ago with no budget and no idea about podcasting. After much trial and error, the podcast became one of the world’s most popular digital marketing podcast (according to iTunes). Once I left the company I started my original podcast with, I went on to start the Digital Marketing Podcast, which is now a top 20 iTunes podcast worldwide. I'm not saying it's the Perfect Podcast, but it alliterates nicely, and I…
Podcasting might not work for every type of business, but for those that it does work, it can yield great results
Podcasting has grown from a little-known and misunderstood form of content to an incredibly powerful content type that builds trust and loyalty. Podcasters and comedians like Marc Maron and Joe Rogan have helped grow the popularity of podcasts and now, there are podcasts anything and everything.
[si_quick_block id="147350" title="How to start podcasting for marketing" description="Learn how to start using podcasting for marketing, from evaluating your internal resources and aims to planning, editing, and uploading your pilot episode. This Quick Win will have you set up and recording in no time!"]
From a business point of view, podcasting can be an incredible marketing tool. It might not work for every type of business, but for those that it does work, it can yield great results: a…
6 Recommendations to broaden your playlist
I've found podcasts to be a pretty good way to keep up-to-date on new marketing techniques and tools. I don't travel a lot, so I'm not a big podcast user, preferring working to music, but I do have two regulars I enjoy when on the Tube, etc. These are at the start of my recommendations below.
Update: July 2012. I recently recorded an Episode with the Digital Marketing podcast discussing approaches to developing digital strategy and publishing - thanks to Daniel and Ciaran for arranging this. You can listen here.
I'd really recommend these, but am looking to add a few more to my downloads, so I asked on the Smart Insights LinkedIn Group for recommendations on the best digital marketing podcasts. Thanks if you contributed - my playlist is now longer and better.
I would also be interested to hear about other recommendations to those…