It's easy to create your Personalized Learning Plan

Improve your digital marketing skills with Smart Insights

If you want to improve your personal digital marketing skills or need a plan to improve digital marketing for your business, a Smart Insights Personalized Learning Plan will get you started.

Our simple, three-step process gives you tailored recommendations and a structure to follow.

Illustration of a man at a  desk typing

Step 1 - Set your personal objectives

Rate your knowledge and set goals against each section of our acclaimed RACE Planning System. Complete a skills assessment covering 25 essential digital marketing skills to assess your personal knowledge and benchmark it against your business priorities.

Learning plan screenshot

Step 2 - Get your personalized learning plan

Your Digital Skills Score

RACE digital score graph graphic

Access your Digital Skills Score for each area of the RACE system. This score is unique to you and your requirements and shows how far you need to improve to achieve your goals.

Your Personalized Learning Plan

Personalized learning Plan screenshot showing digital score

Get advice for each area, with recommendations from our library of over 200 marketing guides, templates and e-learning resources, prioritise so you see where you need to improve the most.

Step 3 - Use your plan to improve your digital marketing

Monitor your progress

RACE digital score graph graphic

Your personalized plan is there for you whenever you want to work on it. As you work on it you can update your progress, increase your score and get new recommendations to help you improve.

Learn and improve at your own pace

Screenshot of the recommended resources that result form a PLP

See all resources recommended for you, only those you haven’t accessed yet or the ones you’re working on right now. It’s easy to find what you need.

Get started with your Smart Insights Personalized Learning Plan

Join now and start improving your marketing results, today.

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Starter Membership

  • Use the RACE Growth System to create a winning strategy
  • Save time and money by implementing proven best practice
  • Enhance your marketing skills
  • Keep up to date with all the latest techniques
  • Become more effective in your role and develop your career

Professional Membership

  • Everything in Starter, plus..
  • Advanced best practice for business growth
  • Upskill and develop your marketing team
  • Regular Masterclass webinars from the experts
  • Get dedicated support on your journey
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