Google shares new research about changes in local search behaviour and how to use extensions to deliver relevant local ads
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Recommended link: Google's preview of new mobile ad extensions
Google has responded to changes in users' searching behaviour as more people look for local services using their smartphones. In the introduction to this new feature, Google gives the example of changes in search behaviour...
"Google search interest in "near me" has doubled since last year,1 with 80% coming from mobile".
Google's research shows that in these 'moments', consumers have heightened expectations for immediacy and relevance — 4 out of 5 say they want search ads to be customized to their city, zip code or immediate surroundings.
The new ads shows three or four different businesses for location-related searches like “nearby auto repair.” As the example below shows, each ad unit will feature click-to-call and directions which can be easily followed-up on, for example by calling your business or visiting your store.

This feature is just one examples of extensions which are described in detail in our Google AdWords guide. Google uses Accor hotels to show how use of extensions can give significant benefits - in this case study Accord gained a 14% increase in incremental revenue by using extensions.