Twelve ideas for increasing your personal digital footprint

Competition for jobs in marketing seems to be getting tougher... Having a degree, a year or twos experience, and a Linkedin page just isn’t going to cut it any more.
We’ve seen marketers displaced during the recession creating YouTube or QR code CVs and auctioning themselves on eBay.
You’re going to be up against a new breed of digital natives when you next interview and you need to be able to meet the challenge head on.
Here are my top tips on personal branding and getting hired marketing 2.0 style.
1. Write a blog. It doesn’t have to be about marketing but it helps. Failing that, write about what moves you, what you feel passionate about, as it shows through in your writing. It also demonstrates creativity, opinion and staying power. Too many people start a blog and soon stop. Believe me, it takes guts to commit to this, and people do respect it and will see your passion.
2. Read and comment on blogs and industry news. Learn from and associate yourself with thought leaders. Exposing yourself to new ideas and the latest thinking prevents you from going stale.
3. Use groups and forums. The point behind 2 & 3 is to learn and join the debate, rather than sitting it out. Smart companies should be looking for provocative, disruptive thinkers to challenge them and ensure they continue to innovate.
4. Tweet. But only when you have something to say and share that matters. Share links, comments, RT and provide your own content. Everyone knows now that nobody cares about what you had for lunch.
5. Go social. If you're not already. Set up all your critical social media accounts in one hit. Visit NameChk and then spend a few hours snagging them.
6. Embrace tech. Marketing trends in 2011-12 are mobile, location based marketing, a resurgence in email and social media optimisation to name a few. Any credible marketer needs to be bang on trend, needs to be to talk it and walk it.
7. Prospect. Know where you want to work and follow them. It’s easy with Google Alerts, Linkedin company profiles, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts to keep updated of developments.
8. Network. There is extraordinary opportunity to the focused in using online and offline networks. Don’t forget bodies like The CIM and special interest groups like SpeakEasy that give you presentation training in a safe environment.
9. Speak. Use your networks to create opportunities to speak about your passion. Alongside blogging, it was on the best things you can do to draw people towards you.
10. Get with the gurus. The writers on Smart Insights often reference the thoughts of Jay Baer, Seth Godin, Brian Solis, Michael Stelzner and the like. They will give you a more strategic take on how digital media are being used today.
11. Get qualified. There are lots of alternative qualifications in digital marketing available today, either online or face-to-face. They can act as a passport with some employees and you'll certainly learn new approaches to managing digital. Ask for recommendations over in the Smart Insights LinkedIn Group.
12. Work smarter. I won't pretend all this won't take long. It will. So, to make it happen you'll need to think about tools and techniques to help make it happen. Setting aside a set time each day / week works for many.