The move to more proactive sourcing of partnering opportunities
PR Newswire recently ran a survey which reinforces how PR has changed. As I see it, as traditional media either evolves or dies, the traditional media relations-only model of PR will evolve or die with it. Public relations work will transform more into earned, owned, and paid media generation, and PR professionals will find themselves increasingly doing work that transcends the traditionally rigid boundaries of earned, owned, or paid media.' The survey results showed some new focuses and traditional challenges.
Using more video in communications and incorporating content marketing or “slow PR” tactics into the mix top the resolutions of the public relations pros who responded to our recent informal survey. Two perennial challenges – improving PR measurement and better utilization of social channels – are also high on PR’s list of things to do this year.

Another trend was highlighted by the write-in responses to the survey. Many respondents noted that they plan on taking a more proactive approach to PR this year, with an emphasis on discovering new, relevant opportunities for their brands and emphasizing positive stories.

Thanks to Sarah Sherik for sharing PR Newswire's Infographic from their research. Author Sarah Skerik is PR Newswire’s Vice President of content marketing, and is the author of the e-book New School Press Release Tactics. You can follow her on Twitter at @sarahskerik.