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Is voice search a rising trend for Gen Z mobile users?

Author's avatar By Carolanne Mangles 25 Sep, 2017
Essential Essential topic

Chart of the day: How is the future of search being affected by voice command?

Implementing voice search in your mobile UX is one way that brands can look to engage with their audience - including the use of 'conversational keywords'.

With the rise in voice command software (Siri, Cortana, the production of Amazon Echo Personal assistants), it is slowly becoming more important to rethink voice command SEO.

The text a user types in search may not be the way they speak it if they were using voice search - for example: 'Best tea UK', may be spoken as 'what is the best tea available in the uk?'

Voice search is more conversational, users will more than likely ask questions which is why your keywords need to be tailored to this demand.

Voice command on mobile search

In a recent report, Millennials and Gen Z differ in their usage of voice search.

Voice command is more popular with Gen Z mobile users in Europe (25%), the Middle East and Africa (25%), and North America (32%) than Millennials.

However, voice search proved to be more popular with millennials in Asia Pacific (32%), and Latin America (23%).

What does this mean for marketers?

Make sure you know the age and location of your ideal audience in order to effectively target them using technology they are using. By integrating conversational keywords into your mobile UX and SEO strategy, it is possible you will be able to reach more Gen Z users in Europe, Middle-East and Africa, and North America. Whereas brands targeting Millennials in Asia Pacific and Latin America are going to be more successful using voice search.

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By Carolanne Mangles

Carolanne Mangles Dig DipM is the Digital Marketing Executive for Click Travel, an award-winning corporate travel booking platform. She is a specialist in B2B SaaS and enjoys planning and optimizing the full customer journey across all digital channels to create brand awareness, great user experience and copy that really sells the benefits of the product. She was previously Digital Marketing Executive for Smart Insights where she was involved with multiple digital channels to manage fully integrated membership campaigns to boost new customer acquisition and current membership retention. She has spoken and given masterclasses at B2B Expo on Search and Content Marketing, holds an IDM award in GDPR and loves a glass of red wine. Connect with her on LinkedIn or follow her on Twitter.

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