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The latest UK marketing legislation

Author's avatar By Susanne Colwyn 23 Aug, 2013
Essential Essential topic

IABs Digital Advertising Policy Guide simplifies 100 pieces of UK marketing legislation

Value/Importance of  new advice: [rating=4] (for UK readers)

Recommended link: IAB Digital Advertising Policy Guide

As a marketer, we know that advertising rules and compliance is constantly changing to keep up with the pace of new digital and social media channels.

How do we keep on top of it when there are so many rules and codes? Digital marketing in the UK is regulated by DPA 1998, Privacy and Electronic Communications and self-regulatory rules including CAP - in addition to T&Cs set by individual channels such as Facebook, Twitter etc.

Sometimes savvy customers know more about their rights than marketers or businesses. The number of laws and the frequency of updates raises a lot of questions... So how do we keep on top of it? How do we know the rules to follow as a business?  What happens if we don't comply? How is it regulated specifically in the UK?

This is why we are alerting you to IAB's UK guide since there are over 100 pieces of legislation for marketing in the UK alone.

The guide provides information on answers to these questions and more. As IAB's Public Policy Manager Alex Scott states, it's not enough to say

 "this is the law and I'm safe. Knowing the boundaries of the law, in the UK, EU and beyond, having an appreciation of public policy and regulatory debates and applying these to business will help you to stay compliant and out of the gaze of politicians and regulators. In itself, this is good business. "
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By Susanne Colwyn

Susanne is a Marketing Consultant and Trainer, with over 20 years marketing experience in the public and private sector. She's passionate about supporting companies with practical result driven marketing, to help focus companies on evaluating and driving their marketing forward. Experienced in Integrated Strategic Marketing Planning, Data Segmentation, Customer Relationship Management Systems, Customer Insight and reviewing internal systems, data and processes, to maximise conversion strategies and the customer experience. You can connect with her via her LinkedIn or follow her @Qtymarketing.

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