Which marketing skills are most sought after by CMOs?
This week, we're launching a survey on Digital Marketing Skills - we'd appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes to give your personal views on digital skills development and you'll receive a free copy of the report.
We've designed the research to be quick to complete, but useful and the survey should take less than 3 minutes.
If you complete the survey you will get a copy of the report recommendations with advice to develop your career in marketing.
Take our skills survey.
Since we're covering demand for skills for digital media and technology, I thought it would be interesting to look at the demand for the broader marketing skills-set. Recruitment specialists Spencer-Stuart have recently published their 2016 CMO Summit Survey Marketing Skills survey which compares the skills that are most important to CMOs for success against how difficult it is to recruit for these skills.

Consistent with our Digital Skills survey, Digital Marketing is the most popular skill and it is also one of the hardest skills to recruit to. Closely related is Data Analytics and Insights, which is even more difficult to recruit to.
These digital skills are followed by more traditional skills in Strategic Thinking, Brand Marketing and Loyalty/CRM and Product marketing. This shows how it's important to create a balanced range of skills when considered training or qualifications. Focusing on developing digital marketing skills may not be sufficient since marketing fundamentals are still at the heart of effective marketing.