"Need-to-know" changes in July 2012
In this “fat-free” round-up we update you to what we see as the biggest changes from the last month in the world of digital marketing. You’ll certainly know some, if not most already, but we hope it will be worth scanning to see whether you missed anything which could affect the way you approach marketing in future.
These alerts are mainly changes on the platforms like Facebook and Google which are so important to digital marketing, but we also include a selection of our most popular briefings on best practice in managing and planning marketing.
I thought the biggest news this month was the announcement of availability of Google Glass and the new gestural interfaces we cover in the UX section below. Is this what we'll be seeing out of our window this time next year?

Strategy and planning
Social media marketing
Search marketing
User experience and conversion optimisation
Email marketing and CRM
Well that’s how we see it - let us know if you think we missed anything BIG.