Fewer than half of businesses are responding to Digital Disruption by Digital Transformation
Business leaders today know that Digital technology is disruptive, the question is, how do they respond it as part of 'Digital Transformation' - as shown in the stages of our infographic.
Pwc's 6th annual Digital IQ survey reveals that:
'having a strong Digital IQ, the by product of leveraging these five interlocking behaviours, were 2.2 times more likely to be top-performers in revenue growth, profitability, and innovation.'
Their findings show that many larger businesses still trying to overcome challenges and 70% of those who are successfully driving Digital Transformation, are ensuring that their Chief Information Officer and Marketing Managers/Directors are working closely together to engage in 'digital discussions'.
How many businesses are concerned about the Digital Disconnect?
The findings show that 75% are ill-prepared to respond and adapt to technologies, and 69% can not keep up with the speed of technology, even though 47% are addressing this within their strategy.
The survey identifies the top 5 tactics which businesses can adopt to maximise their digital investment, which can be explored at Pwc's site. Expert members can follow our recommendations on managing Digital Disruption in our 7 steps guide to Digital Transformation.