New research shows the increase in social media stacking
It hit us all years ago, but when did we realise? In our busy lives, we 'multi-task' at work, or in our personal lives, and some are now calling this 'social media stacking'.
The Millward Brown's Ad Reaction report refers to it as 'putting the kettle on', as it's embedded in most of our daily lives. I am guilty of this behaviour - while watching the TV, I check my emails on my iPhone, answer a Tweet and time permitting will find a good recipe on Pinterest for the evening meal-- an ideal target for advertisers and publishers to connect with me beyond 'passive viewing'.
For brands, there are now multiple opportunities to connect, as Millward Brown global multiscreening report shows in their findings. The implication is that brands need to leverage this by evaluating reach and opportunity of different devices through 'the scale of screens' and 'receptivity' of people.

Source: Millward Brown Adreaction Multi-screen 2014 Report, Interactive tool by country
The world of advertising is like a kid being in a candy shop, so much to choose from with limited money. Though as Marketers, do we take a more planned and analytical approach and ensure we take into account many factors to reach and connect? What's the best time to connect, how do we present our content for different devices, what is the right content and so much more.
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