New research shows a significant multiplier effect from combining search and social media advertising
This research summarises how some advertisers are making their online media buys more effective by integrating social and search campaigns together. Marin Software surveyed over 200 Advertisers, managing Google, Facebook and Bing campaigns and their report reveals tactics and strategies that have worked for leading brands.
As we would expect from the theory of the 4Cs of integrated communications, the findings showed that 'marketers who integrate their search and social advertising programs find significantly more consumers who are not only more likely to convert, but who are also likely to spend more'.

This multichannel research showed that advertisers achieve a 68% higher conversion rate when their search campaigns are integrated with social advertising. Download their full research on integrating search and social media advertising (registration is required) to find out 5 strategies and up to 15 tactics for maximising your integrated campaigns.