Guides and Templates

Web design project plan template

Define and schedule the key marketing activities to design and launch a website

How will this web project planning template help me?

Our template is based on real plans used to plan and manage progress on web projects. It's mainly intended for client-side marketers, but will also be useful as a cross-check for web design agencies to review the activities they manage.

For complex web projects we recommend using Microsoft Project or similar project planning software. But for simple projects Excel can be easier to apply.

Even if you are using project planning software our template will still give you a checklist to review the key activities that need to be managed.

Who is this for?

This template is designed for account managers in agencies who are looking to save time by using a template for a web design plan.

What does the planning template include?

The template was originally developed by Jill when she was working as a client-side marketer, so it doesn't only include web site design and build activities, but also marketing activities. It doesn't give a detailed technical breakdown of development activities.

The template is based around the RACE Planning framework, relating the site to the customer management activities that a website can support, i.e. Reach, Act, Convert Engage.

Guide structure

This template is divided into these five steps:

  • Step 1: Plan - Define resource, customer research, analytics audit, digital asset management, UX evaluation
  • Step 2: Reach - SEO, landing pages, newsletters, marketing campaigns
  • Step 3: Act - Design and copywriting, customer profiling
  • Step 4: Convert - UX testing, surveys, customer service, A/B testing
  • Step 5: Engage - Content strategy, social media integration

Latest updates

This content is evergreen and has been updated to our newest branded document style to ease readability.

Resource Details

  • Author: Jill Quick
  • Format: Excel file

About the author

Jill Quick

Jill QuickJill Quick is a Digital Marketing Trainer and Consultant at Quick Marketing and co founder of The Coloring in Department.  A candid and experienced  marketer who loves to teach you not just how to “get” digital marketing in theory, but how to actually DO it.

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