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Guides and Templates

Sales and marketing integration guide

Trouble integrating sales and marketing functions? Let us help you.

About this guide

This guide will give you practical recommendations, based on real-world examples, showing how to get your sales and marketing teams working together more effectively. It covers best practices for processes, systems and cultural issues that you need to manage, with a focus on business-to-business organisations.

Guide structure

The informative, but practical and actionable 32 page guide covers the following:

  • The common challenges of sales and marketing integration
  • Aligning sales and marketing objectives and plans
  • Advice on sales enablement
  • Building an effective lead generation program


Introduction to the guide

B2B Marketing and sales teams have a reputation for not getting along. Working towards the same ultimate goal in different ways means there is less friction. We’ve all heard that when the sales are coming in it’s because the sales team is doing a great job and when the sales slow then the marketing team needs to ‘up their game’.

How to achieve this? This guide will give you practical recommendations on how to get your sales and marketing teams working more effectively, covering processes, systems and cultural issues you need to manage in business-to-business organisations.

Who is this guide for?

This guide is for senior sales managers, CMOs and Marketing managers but it may also be applicable to CEOs who are keen on working towards sales and marketing working closer together.

Resource Details

About the Author – Natalie Burtonwood-Wilson

Natalie Burtonwood-Wilson

Natalie Burtonwood-WilsonNatalie is a B2B marketing consultant at her company Salt Marketing. For over 15 years, Natalie has worked client and agency side with big B2B brands such as IBM and Tyco, innovative high growth tech start-ups and companies sitting in between from engineering, IT and utilities sectors. Natalie has worked alongside sales teams extensively, helping sales and marketing to align through common goals, a listening ear and a structured approach.

Natalie has been a fully qualified Chartered Marketer since 2009 and holds the IDM Postgraduate Diploma in B2B Marketing (with B2B).

You can follow Natalie on Twitter at @salt__marketing , visit her website at and connect here on LinkedIn.

What’s inside?

The informative, but practical and actionable 32 page guide covers the following:

  • The common challenges of sales and marketing integration
  • Aligning sales and marketing objectives and plans
  • Advice on sales enablement
  • Building an effective lead generation program
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