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Guides and Templates

PowerPoint digital marketing strategy planning template

Create a detailed digital marketing strategy structured using our RACE planning system to present to senior management or clients

How will this template help me and my business?

If you're working on your first digital strategy or integrated multichannel marketing review, it can be difficult to know if you're using the best structure or using the right tools to assess your capabilities and strategic options. You need a strategy summary document that clearly lays out what you need to achieve and how you’re going to achieve it. That’s why we’ve created this strategy planning template - one of our most popular resources - split into two useful documents.

In your download, you get:

1.) Guidance and examples document – this document provides an overview on creating your strategy, with a range of completed examples to give you an idea of how to complete certain templates.

2.) Blank template for you to complete - the accompanying resource in this download is a blank presentation deck that you can use to create your own digital marketing strategy presentation, using your company’s analysis, KPIs, channels etc.

Whether you need to create a brand new strategy or review specific digital marketing techniques such as content, search or social media strategy for an upcoming project, this template will help you summarize your strategy. Digital veterans can place their initiatives into this template to present them to others, whereas members who need more guidance can follow the instructions in the notes section of each slide to complete their strategy.

Who is it for?

This slide deck is for anyone who is charged with developing an integrated digital marketing strategy and achieving buy-in to the plan from colleagues or clients, including:

  • Digital marketing managers and marketing managers
  • CMOs and marketing directors
  • Account managers and consultants working at agencies to develop strategies for their clients

Our members who are consultants or work for agencies can use it to present their analysis and recommended strategies to their clients. Others, who work for brands, can use it to explain and justify strategies to their colleagues in the business.

You can use the analysis in the comprehensive blank templates to review every digital marketing tactic to assess your own capabilities and define your future roadmap. Guidance and examples are provided so you can see completed versions of the templates.

The examples cover business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) examples, plus our library also contains examples from specific sectors such as consumer brands, financial services, healthcare/pharma, retail e-commerce and travel.

How is the template structured?

We have structured this template around the 25 elements of the Smart Insights RACE marketing planning system so that you can clearly define a comprehensive digital strategy that fits into each step of the framework:

  • Plan: Ensuring you’re able to plan for success by knowing how well you’re performing, what your internal capabilities are, and how you stack up against competitors.
  • Reach: Your strategy needs to show how you will invest to reach new customers through search marketing, owned, earned and paid media.
  • Act: Once you’ve attracted visitors to your website, you need to persuade them to act by improving customer journeys and optimizing your content and landing pages.
  • Convert: Depending on your type of business, conversion may happen online or offline. This part of the strategy covers lead nurturing, personalization and multichannel selling activities to make this happen.
  • Engage: To help turn first-time customers into repeat customers and advocates your strategy needs to include customer onboarding, web experience, and email marketing.

Each element of RACE is broken down into five tasks with summary tables so you can present recommendations for all aspects of your digital marketing.

The template is presented as two files:

  • One ‘README’ guidance and examples document that instructs you through creating your strategy and provides you with completed examples.
  • One ‘BLANK’ file for you to use when creating your own strategy document.

The notes tab of each slide contains explanations, summaries, and instructions based on marketing tasks from our Microsoft Word-based Digital marketing plan workbook to help you through every element of your strategy.

Latest updates

We've improved the guidance and examples document so it contains more useful information about how to create a strategy using RACE, with updated completed examples to help you complete the templates. We've also added a new visual scorecard option that is better for presenting and added 6 pillars for assessing digital marketing capabilities  for smaller businesses.

The blank template doc has been re-designed giving you more space to complete the templates and contains new useful models (including our new customer journey mapping template) and links to other supporting resources. We have cross-referenced where there is a completed example in the READ ME guide to help you complete the blank template.

Resource Details

  • Author: Dr. Dave Chaffey
  • Editor: Amelia Mayes
  • Format: PowerPoint files
  • Related resources: Digital marketing plan workbook – our companion workbook contains a more comprehensive range of templates.

About the author

Dr. Dave Chaffey

Dave Chaffey

Dave is co-founder of Smart Insights and creator of the Smart Insights RACE planning framework. For his full profile, or to connect on LinkedIn or other social networks, see the About Dave Chaffey profile page on Smart Insights. Dave is author of 5 bestselling books on digital marketing including Digital Marketing Excellence and Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. In 2004 he was recognized by the Chartered Institute of Marketing as one of 50 marketing ‘gurus’ worldwide who have helped shape the future of marketing.

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