Guides and Templates

Marketing your agency effectively

A best practice guide with case studies and checklists on how to effectively market your digital agency

How will this digital marketing agency guide help me and my business?

This is a best practice guide specifically written for agencies, by agency marketing expert Mark Kelly, on how to promote services to prospective clients.

Using his experience of working with dozens of agencies over the years, coupled with unrivalled insight into how the best agencies work, Mark Kelly has produced this member resource to help marketing agencies secure ongoing, relevant business enquiries.

Much of the guide forms a checklist that can be reviewed on a regular basis so that marketing agencies can ensure they are marketing themselves effectively.

Our agency marketing guide shows you:

  • How to keep your pipeline full, therefore supporting stable revenue
  • It’s a checklist format and therefore actionable and practical to help you work through to create a marketing plan for your agency
  • There are 18,000 agencies of all types in the marketplace, this guide can help you stay ahead of your competitors
  • It helps set a focus on not just looking after current clients but growing clients and winning more work at the same time

Who is this guide for?

We have created this guide for creative or marketing agencies looking to secure new clients and to keep the enquiries ‘pipeline’ full. This guide may be particularly useful for new or fledgling agencies, typically set up by creative and / or technical founders who may not have experience in promoting a business.

Agencies often suffer from the ‘cobbler’s children’ syndrome. The old proverb (the earliest example can be traced back to the 1500s) says that the cobbler / shoemaker focuses so much on making and selling shoes, that his wife and children go barefoot. Agency owners and their teams can focus so hard on growing a client’s business that they forget or neglect to grow their own, to keep it nourished with new business enquiries.

How is this guide structured?

The guide covers all key areas of marketing, with tips and tricks specifically for agencies, the structure is as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Principle considerations
  • Agency new business marketing checklist
  • 1. Your agency’s value proposition
  • 2. The work you do / don’t want
  • 3. Your buyer personas
  • 4. Your marketing collateral
  • 5. Sources of referral
  • 6. Organic and paid-for website traffic generation: SEO and AdWords
  • 7. Inbound Marketing
  • 8. Outbound activity
  • 9. Public Relations
  • 10. Your team
  • 11. Lead tracking
  • What next?
  • Recommended resources

Resource Details

  • Author: Mark Kelly
  • Last updated: November 2017
  • Format: Online long-form which is designed to allow you to keep accessing the guide as needed and work through while creating or updating your agency marketing plan

About the author

Mark Kelly

Mark KellyMark Kelly is a freelance digital marketing consultant working with agencies and direct clients of Mark Kelly digital consultancy. You can follow him on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn.



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