Guides and Templates

Integrating customer acquisition and retention communications

Creating a joined-up approach to acquisition and retention to drive business efficiency, greater customer value, and improved brand experience

How will this briefing help me and my business?

Marketing is currently going through its own learning cycle as customers assume power in their relationships with brands. Innovative marketers are struggling to adapt to consumers’ new expectations due to the constraints of the fragmented digital landscape.

Each channel in digital marketing has developed within its own data and experience silo. Websites, email, and social have often developed separately with no common foundation or easy integration. Analytics have been based on simple visit metrics rather than relationships to consumer behaviour or strategic objectives. The result is often a fragmented customer experience.

Our briefing to integrating customer acquisition and retention communications will show you common areas where the two teams fail to communicate, how a customer data platform can synchronize data use by both teams, and how you can create brand ambassadors by improving your customer experience.

Who is this briefing for?

This briefing has been written for managers of acquisition and retention teams in order for them to understand how they can better work together.

How is the briefing structured?

Our customer acquisition and retention integration briefing follows the following structure:

  • Introduction
  • Metrics that matter
  • Tools for success
  • Platforms that help join up acquisition and retention
  • How organizations need to change

Resource Details

  • Author: Andy Letting
  • Format: 6,000 word online briefing

About the author

Andy Letting

andy lettingAndy Letting is a senior digital marketer with 17 years’ experience across acquisition and retention, working for a number of high-profile global brands, namely Avis, Ladbrokes, BskyB, J&J, KFC, Dufry & Jack Wills, where he has led large-scale digital change programmes for acquisition, media buying and optimization. Through his agency (, Andy has worked across the whole range of maturity stages of the programmatic journey, from setting the process up with KFC & Jack Wills to delivering more advanced programmatic data solutions for more established brands such as J&J. Andy lectures the Programmatic module for the IDM and affiliated global partners.

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