Guides and Templates

Example marketing plans (SOSTAC®)

Easy to follow marketing plan examples based around PR Smith's SOSTAC® framework

How will these examples help me and my business?

In our digital marketing toolkit we created a series of short templates in Powerpoint and Word to help create and communicate digital marketing plans. This is one of our most used series of templates.

Some (agencies and consultants working with small and medium businesses) asked us for even shorter summaries AND an example. We, therefore, produced a one-page summary so everything is one page and a separate example of a fictitious company.

Who is the template for?

We’ve designed these example marketing plans to be as flexible as possible, so it can be applied for different types of businesses and roles including:

  • Company directors and marketing managers
  • Digital marketing managers
  • Agencies and consultants

How are these example plans structured?

These example plans are based around PR Smith’s SOSTAC® framework relating to the areas of Smart Insights RACE planning. There are two samples both available for members to amend for their own organisation or their clients:

  • Sample 1. A long example plan in Microsoft Word for a B2B company :
    “TechChester” is a software design and IT support business which uses the same structure as that recommended in our Business marketing plan guide.
  • Sample 2. A short example plan in Microsoft Word for a B2C company:
    “Perfect Lawn” where their main communications and distribution are via their website. The Word document contains one blank plan in landscape format and one example plan.

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About the author

Annmarie Hanlon

Annmarie Hanlon

Annmarie Hanlon is the Smart Insights expert commentator on online and offline marketing strategies for business. Annmarie is the MD of Evonomie and author of Quick Win Marketing, and co-author of Quick Win Digital Marketing. She runs social media workshops in the UK and Ireland and shares marketing tips and news in her blog. You can follow Annmarie on Twitter or connect on LinkedIn.

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