Guides and Templates

Digital channel roadmap template

Build and communicate your digital business growth strategy using a fact-base of predictions and insights to justify online growth

How will this digital channel roadmap template help me and my business?

Your colleagues know there are great opportunities to grow the revenue and profit contribution of digital channels including web, mobile, social and email. The question they will ask is, 'how big is the opportunity' and how you can justify investment in it? How can you quantify contribution for the years ahead?

Driving change to a more digitally-focused business model requires the clear communication of many complex elements to colleagues and decision-makers within an organization. The tools and charts within this template have been designed to help you do that by effectively blending the facts with simple, high-level commentaries in a visually compelling and easy to understand format.

This Microsoft PowerPoint template will help you build and communicate your digital business growth strategy, providing a high-level summary of where you are currently, your digital growth and capability development objectives, as well as outlining the planned initiatives to achieve those ambitions. 

What's included in this template?

At the heart of this strategic planning tool is the discipline of building a “fact-base” – the collation of data into a “single version of the truth” summary. This fact-base should include an assessment of a business’s digital channel capability - benchmarked against competitors where possible – as well as clearly presenting past performance and future target data.

This fact-base acts as the foundation and context for setting out a clear vision, SMART objectives and the initiatives planned to meet those objectives, working within the Smart Insights RACE Framework.

Who is this template for?

This planning template is for those who are responsible for growing the contribution of digital channel leads and sales within a business and need to communicate their plans and strategies to others. 

  •  Digital Marketing Directors and Heads of Ecommerce
  •  Marketing Directors and Managers
  •  Digital Marketing Managers

The goal of the template is to get the message across and achieve buy-in for the digital business strategic plan.   

The approach recommended was developed by Rob Laurens in his role as responsible for increasing the e-commerce contribution across more than 50 separate businesses within the specialist travel sector when working for TUI. It has been refined and generalized since on other projects.

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About the author

Rob Laurens

Rob Laurens is the author of Get Fit for Digital Business (Routledge 2019), a keynote speaker and the founder of Kaisen Digital, a digital transformation consultancy.

Over the last two decades, Rob has been helping organizations successfully transition to digital-first business models. He has held board roles in several mid-market companies, set up and led a digital agency in London and spent 7 years leading digital transformation across 104 SMEs worldwide as eCommerce Director at TUI Travel, the world’s leading travel brand. He has also worked as a consultant for a number of clients in the charity and heritage sectors, including the National Gallery. You can connect on LinkedIn.

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