Tips on using Google Analytics to improve traffic building and conversion
Google Analytics provides a wealth of insight, so much more than the basic visits, page views and bounce rates which are are the limit of what some marketers consider. So we believe that Google Analytics deserves more focus to use the insight to drive improvement.
We like this infographic from Quicksprout since it goes further than stating the obvious metrics. Instead, it shares practical steps to take to use Google Analytics to increase your traffic particularly through keyword analysis when you link Google Analytics with Googles' Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools), conversion rates and 'how tos' (such as where to place your keywords, how to analyse top referring sites and more..). So use this infographic as a prompt to get started with practical steps to optimise your website using the insight available in Google Analytics.

We apply similar thinking to improve digital marketing using GA throughout our Expert member resources, for example, Expert members can download our Google Analytics guide which details the questions you should ask and where you should look to find the answers.
Download Expert member resource – Using Google Analytics to improve your marketing
Provides steps to get you through the setup stages, and then focuses on how you use Google Analytics to get better business results - the missing link in most books and the Google documentation..
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