How do consumer purchases vary by age and product - new UK statistics
We know the overall popularity of online use and purchase with 38 million adults in the UK (78% of the population) now using the Internet and 75% of us have bought goods and services online. We have all seen the shopping landscape evolve over the years, as we see more charity shops lining our streets and vacant properties - is this due to the accessibility of information, technology, convenience, changing demographics as older generation are using the internet, or consumers looking for a bargain.
So what are consumers buying online?
The popularity of product purchase will naturally vary based on the need for consumers to touch and view products, but how big an impact does this make? The Office of National Statistic's report sheds light on this highlighting that Clothes were the most popular online purchases by 49% of adults, followed by household goods. The graph below provides a full breakdown of purchases by age.

Your can download the 'Internet Access - Household Individuals' report for more details from the National Office of Statistics website.