Our roundup of research insights and best practice advice from the month
Doesn’t time fly? On the 30th April 2013 the WWW was officially twenty years old. How it’s changed and what a “wild ride it’s been” as someone @replied when I shared this. We certainly owe a debt of gratitude to Sir Tim Berner’s Lee, not only for the invention, but also his dedication to keeping it open through his work with the The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and other non-commercial organisations.

As always, this summary is based on updates in 5 key areas of online marketing.
Strategy and planning

- The latest inbound content marketing research Inbound marketing is only Five! Marked by the Fifth annual Hubspot report, see our summary of this 175 page report to see the tactics which are working and the challenges to be managed.
- Benchmarking content marketing - in this post I summarise the state of managing content marketing from our informal poll and Lee Odden's content marketing webcast. To help marketers manage the process of content marketing we released a new guide to managing content marketing by James Carson who has extensive experience as a publisher.Lee shared this report from Altimeter which is a great way of reviewing where your content marketing management is now and where it need to get to.

Social media marketing

- Facebook Promoted Pages - we have a tutorial from Marie Page on this new feature which is gradually being rolled out to more marketers.

Search marketing
- 5 approaches to improve Google+ Our new commentator on the intersection of search and social marketing, Rhian Simms, shared examples of 5 approaches based on her learnings from Brighton SEO. If you’re involved in SEO, don’t miss the round-up of presentations at the end of this post if you couldn’t attend.
- A briefing on Rel=“me” - A tutorial on using Google+ to protect your brand using this new Google authorship technique.
User experience, analytics and conversion optimisation

Email marketing and CRM
- Proving the ROI of Email marketing - Mark Brownlow’s summary shows that email marketing is second only to organic SEO for ROI. This is the approximate £ return for every £ spent according to the UK DMA.