We've posted before about the importance of persona's and understanding the consumer properly, your consumer, well enough over getting lost in tactics and techniques first. This info-graphic again re-enforces how it's this - not "social media", "content marketing" or "SEO" that has to come first. Ask the right questions and design social, contact and channel strategies around that.
- Who is my consumer (or persona type)?
- Where are they, online more specifically (we covered this broadly in our digital radar)?
- What motivates them to be interested in my industry, why do they care?
- How do they consume content, and what do they value, in terms of topics and formats - how do I map that?
- Why will they care for my brand in their world, what unmet needs to they have that I can help solve?
When you know your consumer, everything else can fall in to place. By breaking consumers into persona types you can also more accurately start to create content that matters for each, and in turn brand experience for each. After all, as Forrester have demonstrated, we don't all interact online in the same way.