A visual summary of Smart Insights members' conference
Well that's a relief! I think it's fair to say our first conference went pretty well judging by the Twitter comments and other feedback. Many thanks if you attended the event and got involved in the sharing. I've compiled a quick "best of" starting with some general feedback and then looking at highlights of individual talks.
If you're an Expert member of Smart Insights and weren't able to attend, we'll be making the slides available on the site next week, we'll let you know 🙂
It was great we had a full-house and I was delighted to see attendees from many industries across Europe and beyond - I spoke to Smart Insights Expert members from Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, Italy even Australia! and I think there were more countries besides.
And thank you to our partners too who got active in the sharing also:
Highlights of the brand case studies
I've spoken at more than a hundred conferences over the last... so I was really keen to go for an "infotaining" combinations of real-world, "warts and all" case studies sharing detailed insights and interesting speaking. I wanted to avoid the bland case studies you sometimes see at events, where you learn less than you would via the website.
There were hundreds of tweets about the talks, so have to limit myself.
Tesco.com - Niall Walsh
EDF - Chris Ketley (Beechgate Consulting)
BT Global - John Pannell
Phones4u - Amy Bott
RS Components - Harriet Mitchell
Domino's - Nick Dutch and Mark Holden
Craig Sullivan rocks the usually tough after lunch spot
Annmarie Hanlon and Dave Chaffey wrap up on Digital Trends and Transformation
And thanks for this great summary of Why Digital Transformation Adele!
Well I hope that gives a flavour and that all these embeds don't takedown our server or your browser.