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Create a social hub for your social media content with ‘Tint’

Author's avatar By Expert commentator 30 Apr, 2013
Essential Essential topic

Tint gives businesses an easy way to bring Social Media Feeds to their websites

Value: [rating=3]

Recommended link: Tint Gallery example

Last year, Chris Soames highlighted that companies are looking for ways to aggregate their social media content in one branded area, which we refer to as 'Social Hubs'

There are already platforms or technology to support this, but recently Tint (  has been getting rave reviews such as this intro from Rip Empson at TechCrunch. He explains how USC graduates, Tim Sae Koo, Nikhil Aitharaju, Eunice Noh and Ryo Chiba launched Tint in December 2012 as a simple, DIY platform that helps brands aggregate, curate and display social media feeds from multiple networks on their websites, in their mobile apps, Facebook pages and event displays.

So, it helps brands create social hubs on top of their digital properties. Businesses can link their Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and RSS feeds to their Tint accounts, whereupon the service auto-populates the page from those feeds, serving the social content in a river that is Pinterest-like in design.

We've made our simple social network update page a bit more visual in 5 minutes by signing up to Tint using Facebook and it gives a more visual way of showing the value of your posts. You do need to be aware of load-speed though, it's not something you would want to put onto a home page or blog sidebar - it's best to use the native social network widgets for that.

Smart Insights Tint


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