Reviewing the level of attendance for webcast and webinar events
Webinars and webcasts are still a key tool of the B2B marketer. As you may know, Smart Insights use the BrightTALK webcast platform for featured Expert commentators and content partners. As is standard with webinars, these feature a live interactive session reviewing slides and then an on-demand follow-up.
We thought we would share the internal data on webinar attendance from BrightTALK since it could help B2B marketers who are planning or reviewing attendance for online events.
- Webinar Attendance - No Show, Live and On Demand
You can see the number of no-shows against and Live and On Demand viewings- this is in line with what we see - a good level of On Demand access as well as the live viewings. They have also shared the growth in numbers before an agent and then how on-demand views gradually grows showing that it's useful to make the on-demand option available.

- Average Webinar Audience Growth over Time. BrightTALKs data shows that how mobile, search and social are becoming more important in encouraging viewing. We presume email still accounts for the majority, but won't always be tagged.

Based on 15,000 webinars and 1.3 million new subscribers on BrightTALK during 2012, it's predicted in 2013 that on the platform:
- There will be more than 20,000 new webcasts on the platform
- Mobile consumption will exceed 10% of monthly viewings by December 2013 Live video will become 20% of all video
- By Q4, search and social will exceed 20% of inbound webpage traffic
- There will be a 25% increase in earned media.