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Five types of Social Media Complainers and how to respond to them [Infographic]

Author's avatar By Expert commentator 04 Dec, 2013
Essential Essential topic

Which social media complainer do you recognise?

The importance of social media to customer service has been highlighted through 2013. Marketers are seeking to deliver a positive customer experience, but if there is a problem, to use social media to react quickly and transparently to complaints, as well as using analytics to track and respond to customer behaviour and predict problems before it's too late!.

Exact Target have recently created this infographic based on the results from research from the University of Florida. They segmented these Social Media Complainers into 5 types. The infographic gives ideas on how to treat these types of disgruntled customers differently, if you can recognise them.

  • The Meek Customer: Don't like to complain, and will do so on Twitter or Facebook as they are seeking reassurance.
  • The Aggressive Customer: Vocal with their complaints and best dealt with by addressing quickly, and will become a Strong Advocate.
  • The High-Roller Customer: Quite reasonable unless venturing onto the 'Aggressive Customer', and best to deal with in a results-driven solution.
  • The Opportunist Customer: Complain with the end goal to win something extra and not for it to be resolved.
  • The Chronic Complainer Customer: Constant complainer though if dealt with positively, the customer can still potentially become a good advocate.

5typessocial mediacomplainersInfographic

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