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Digital is driving calls to businesses [#ChartoftheDay]

Author's avatar By Alexander Clark 28 Jul, 2016
Essential Essential topic

With more than 100 billion calls expected to be made to businesses each year, here's a break-down of what is driving them.

Recently, Invoca published their Call Intelligence Index 2016 where they dissected the most influential marketing channels for driving calls to businesses.

It doesn't come as a shock to many that digital marketing outperforms more traditional forms of marketing, such as Newspapers, TV & Directory.

Digital is driving calls to businesses

Again, somewhat unsurprisingly, mobile search outperforms all other channels of marketing by quite some distance. With over 48% of all calls to businesses coming from mobile search, it again highlights the growing importance and impact it has over our world. The ability to wrap CTA's such as Google’s call-only ad types and click-to-call buttons have proven too convenient to ignore.

Desktop search comes in as the second highest driver of calls to businesses, accounting for 17%. This is a significant bump up from the previous year, which indicated only 9% originated from desktop search. This could be accounted for because of advances in tracking these calls, which had previously been quite tough.

Bringing up the rear comes Directories (2%), Newspapers (2%), TV (3%) & Email (3%). These traditional forms of marketing have proven notoriously hard to measure and track accurately, however their lack of immediacy, noise and amount of steos needed to begin the phone calling process leaves these channels as low performing.


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By Alexander Clark

A former member of the Smart Insights team, I’m always on the look out to collaborate with the finest minds in Digital Marketing. Currently working at Silverbean, I have a distinctive interest in all things outreach, content, strategy, and measurement. If you’d like to get in touch, you can do so through my LinkedIn or Twitter accounts. When I’m not planning new campaigns and content, I love playing the Bass Guitar and Drums (not necessarily at the same time) also racking up as many hours as possible on Football Manager and the Rugby pitch.

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