An example of using an infographic to explain a proposition
We feature a lot of infographics which share insight or best practice related to digital marketing. We thought we'd share this one as a nice piece of content marketing, perhaps of interest and inspiration to B2B marketers.
If we think about the purpose of infographics in content marketing in the context of our Content Marketing Matrix, they can and most often are aimed at raising awareness at the top of the funnel where they encourage sharing through a viral effect (either emotional - top-left in the matrix) or rational (bottom-left). But they can also be used further down the funnel (right-side) funnel to educate contacts about the benefits of a product category or service and explain a company's service. That's the purpose of this example which we received by email rather than social media (these type of infographics are a lot less likely to be shared).

The infographic works well when delivered as a reminder about the service to prospects as below. We also like the way it shows the options and educates about the risks.

See this article by Dan Bosomworth for more advice on using infographics for marketing.