Benchmark the digital maturity of your business

Identify improvements you need to make to compete better online

Using our capability maturity models, review your business (and your clients') digital readiness and set targets for digital improvements and transformation.

By scoring your business capabilities across all areas of the RACE Planning Framework you will be given a set of recommended resources to help you improve your business capability to use digital marketing effectively.

Step 1 - Rank your current capability

Rapidly benchmark your essential marketing activities to score your or your clients' current approach and get recommendations on what to focus on in the future. Our capability graders cover digital planning, SEO, email, social media and essential marketing mix channels.

Step 2 - Benchmark your capabilities against other members

Most members score their digital marketing as 'managed' meaning they have developing capabilities, leaving lots of room for improvement. Do you think you could score higher and beat your competition?

Step 3 - Get the specific resources you need to improve

You'll be guided through different areas that you or your clients need to develop to successfully reach an 'optimized' level of marketing capability. We'll give you recommendations from our comprehensive library of resources to help you improve the areas that matter most.

Get started with your Smart Insights membership

Join now and start improving your marketing results, today.

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Starter Membership

  • Use the RACE Growth System to create a winning strategy
  • Save time and money by implementing proven best practice
  • Enhance your marketing skills
  • Keep up to date with all the latest techniques
  • Become more effective in your role and develop your career

Professional Membership

  • Everything in Starter, plus..
  • Advanced best practice for business growth
  • Upskill and develop your marketing team
  • Regular Masterclass webinars from the experts
  • Get dedicated support on your journey
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