Like many I've switched to Chrome as my main browser this year for the speed and stability.
If you haven't made the switch yet, there's almost nothing to stop you now although I'm still missing the SEO Book plug-ins for Firefox, although SEO Quake is an adequate competitor.
I've found great interest in these new tools on my Advanced SEO course, so "due to popular demand" I've created a page of the ones I recommend. I've started with the simplest ones which marketers on the course might use, onto the more advanced ones for the SEOs.
1. PageRank Status

A simple tool for showing Google PageRank.

You probably don't need this one if you have some of the other tools like SEO Quake.

Chris developed the excellent developer toolbar for Firefox. The main value of this for SEO is checking for semantic markup of <h1>,<h2>,<h3> - through reviewing many site I find that developers love to plaster containers in sidebars with <Hx> failing to highlight the content that matters to Google. Also strips images and gives easy access to CSS.

The best substitute for SEO Book Firefox tools? Overlays page backlink performance in the Google SERPs and adds a toolbar showing link profile for each site.

A different style of tool to the others with a useful panel giving access to other tools. If you prefer bookmarklets Dave Naylor's SEO Playground is a good alternative.

A complete Swiss Army Knife toolkit including many of the features above. The most valuable feature IMO is it's integration with Google Webmaster Tools, Y! Site Explorer and Google Analytics where it overlays the power of links pulling data from SEOMoz via their API. Also overlays social bookmarking and sharing for a page in GA. Awesome!
Please tell me what I'm missing that I can't get from all the above!